Want Film
A short film presented by Mr. Nintipayi about how to say ‘want’ in Pitjantjatjarra!
A short film presented by Mr. Nintipayi about how to say ‘want’ in Pitjantjatjarra!
A short film presented by Mr. Nintipayi about how to say ‘after’ in Pitjantjatjarra!
Films made at the language conference in Kalgoorlie are now available on our Wangka YouTube channel!
The dates for the GALCAC ‘Cultural Competency Training’, ‘Speak, Read and Write’ and ‘Culturally Safe Organisations’ courses are now available.
A short film presented by Mr. Nintipayi about how to say ‘keeping away in Pitjantjatjarra!
The key note addresses from the Kalgoorlie Language Conference, Oct 2023, are available on GALCAC’s Wangka YouTube channel.
Papers and Powerpoint slides from presentations are also available on GALCAC’s website. Thank you to everyone who shared their paper and provided permissions for it to be included in the proceedings.
© Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre