Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre

Goldfields Aboriginal Language Awards 2023

Goldfields Aboriginal Language Awards 2023

GALCAC Goldfields Aboriginal Language Awards is open for nomination for 2023 from 17th April 2023. Nominations form here.

Members of the public are invited to nominate a Goldfields individual, educational institution, government agency or business that should be recognized for their contribution towards the use or preservation of Aboriginal languages, or for their efforts in developing language learning activities or provision of interpreting and translating services for Aboriginal people.

2023 Categories

1. Hall of Fame: Long term commitment by an individual towards the use and preservation of Aboriginal languages.

2. Outstanding educational body promoting Aboriginal language learning. 

3. Outstanding business promoting use of Aboriginal languages. 

4. Outstanding individual promoting use of Aboriginal languages. 

5. Outstanding under 21 year old using or promoting Aboriginal languages. 

6. Outstanding individual contribution towards Aboriginal language use and preservation. 

7. Outstanding individual, organisation or business promoting interpretation and translating of Aboriginal languages. 

8. Outstanding government department or agency promoting use of Aboriginal languages. 

Nominees received a letter of congratulation and Award winners are announced at a morning tea and received a framed certificate.

Check out our Facebook page for event info.

Nominations close Friday 12th May 4pm

Nominations forms can be downloaded or email us and we’ll send one or phone 9021 3788. Alternatively, drop into the Goldfields Language Centre on Burt St, Boulder and pick a form up.

The Language Awards event will be held on Thursday 18 May 2023, 10.30 to 12.30. Everyone is welcome to attend. Venue: Forrest Room, Railway Motel, Kalgoorlie.

Language Awards 2022