Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre

GALCAC’s DGR status

GALCAC’s DGR status

The Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre Abor. Corp. announces that it is now on the Federal Register of Cultural Organisations (ROCO).
How awesome to have Federal Government acknowledgment of the importance of the language work being undertaken by speakers in the Goldfields.
Goldfields Language speakers – this is superb news because it means that your Language Centre is registered and recognised as an important cultural organisation by the Federal Government. Well done everyone!
Donations and gifts to the Language Centre are tax deductible. GALCAC is a registered charity with deductible gift recipiency taxation status (DGR).
GALCAC is now one of fewer than 200 federally registered cultural organisations in WA.

Further info head into the Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre on Burt St, Boulder, or phone on (08)9021 3788 or email