Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre

A Wild Day in Karlkurla : 6-course bush tucker degustation luncheon

A Wild Day in Karlkurla : 6-course bush tucker degustation luncheon

A Wild Day in Karlkurla: gourmet 6-course bush food degustation luncheon

 An exciting first ever event for Kalgoorlie!

As part of the ‘Karlkurla Experience’ 4-8 July 2022, there is an amazing bush tucker luncheon to be held at the historic Kalgoorlie Hotel. Come and join us for a taste experience and meet with local First Nations bush tucker experts!

Chef is creating new recipes to feature Goldfields bush tuckers! Six different bush tuckers will be presented matched with wines and beers. First Nations elders will talk between courses about collecting the bush tucker. Short films will be shown about the collection on country. Come and join in with this wonderful luncheon. $250 per person.

Many more activities will be held during the week in Kalgoorlie. Find out more by watching a YouTube clip of the week’s events: The Karlkurla Experience.

For more information, contact GALCAC.  Or phone (08)9021 3788  email: