Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre

‘The Right to be Heard’ 1967 Referendum 50th Anniversary

‘The Right to be Heard’ 1967 Referendum 50th Anniversary

GALC is working in partnership with the National Trust (WA) on an exhibition event commemorating the 50th anniversary of the landmark 1967 Referendum.

The event is called ‘The Right to be Heard’ and is a photographic exhibition which carries the thoughts of those being photographed.

Photographer, Tobias Titz from Melbourne, was recently in the Goldfields to work with GALC staff on the images for the exhibition. Many thanks to all this people who participated. 16 photos were taken and are now being prepared for the exhibition.

Tobias at work photographing Brian Champion for the exhibition

This event builds on a similar set of photos and comments that were taken in the Pilbara in 2007 for the 40th anniversary of the Referendum. That event was called, ‘The Right to be Counted’. This years event ties in with the NAIDOC theme, ‘Our Languages Matter’, and will take Goldfields voices to Perth to be heard.

An ABC Open shirt film about the exhibition: 50 Years on from the 1967 Referendum

Charlie Coppin in the 2007 photographic exhibition.

The exhibition will be held in Perth for just one afternoon on 8th July 1-5pm. If you miss it then, the exhibition will move to the Goldfields at a venue to be announced for August.

As part of the event, children’s voices will be taken through song. The marvellous Tjupan children who sang at the 2016 Aboriginal Languages Conference have agreed to write another song and perform in Perth.

Tjupan kids choir

A terrific article in the Kalminer about the exhibition provided the public with a lot of information. Thanks to Les Schultz for being the front man for the article!

Kalminer Friday 11th May 2017

Event curator, Nikki Lundy, at work designing the catalogue

Watch this website for more information on this event!