GALCAC linguists commenced working on locating speakers of the language previously identified as Manyjiljar. Phonemic analysis of the name of the language indicates that the name of this language is Manytjilytjarra.
Here is a recording of the name Manytjilytjarra.
Linguists have looked at Manyjilyjarra of Punmu/Parnngurr region and compared this language with Manytjilytjarra, as the names given by speakers are very similar. The 2022 data indicates that Manytjilytjarra maybe a dialect of Manyjilyjarra as both languages share a great number of words and suffixes. However, an important difference in the phonemic inventory is that Manytjilytjarra has the dental sound ‘tj’ and ‘j’ whereas Manyjilyjarra has the ‘j’ sound.
Here is a recording of both ‘j’ and ‘tj’ used in a sentence. juturrkun tjantji cover the egg
Two fluent speakers were located during 2017-18 and they worked with GALCAC linguist, Gizem Milonas, to record natural speech in the language. As of May 2018, over 450 words are now on the database and 12 hours of recordings made. Sadly, the Elder speaker passed away in 2019 and GALCAC lost contact with the second speaker. Further analysis may be possible when GALCAC has located other speakers.
Manytjilytjarra Resources
A children’s story book by Janice McKnaulty was produced in July 2018 and is available at GALCAC for $8.00
Manytjilytjarra Alphabet Chart
A beautiful Manytjilytjarra alphabet chart is available as a free download here. Or can be purchased at GALCAC as a rip-free, wipeable chart for $40.
The chart is suitable for the classroom or child’s bedroom.
Manytjilytjarra Body Parts Chart
A beautiful Manytjilytjarra body parts chart is available as a free download here. Or can be purchased at GALCAC as a rip-free, wipeable chart for $40.
Manytjilytjarra Papers
GALCAC releases papers as the Manytjilytjarra language is being studied. Papers are regularly added so come back again to see what is available.
- A Comparison between Manytjilytjarra and Manyjilyjarra Gizem Milonas and Sue Hanson Nov 2022