Creating a Culturally Safe Organisation training
‘Creating a Culturally Safe Organisation’ is aimed at managers, senior staff, CEOs, directors, committee members, and people who are advanced in their cultural awareness and cultural competency.
booking form click here
The 2-hour course provides a framework for organisations, services and departments to create a culturally safe organisation for First Nations peoples.
This course addresses ways to ensure First Nations staff and clients do not have their cultural identify assaulted when using a service or working in it, and in fact feel empowered, build resilience and capability.
Course numbers are limited to 10 places. Materials provided include a manual and a USB with a powerpoint presentation to prompt discussion back in the workplace or service, and draft policies to modify for your organisation.
You don’t need to bring anything, everything supplied. Cost is $220 inc GST per person. Bookings essential.
Further information.
To download a
booking form click here. One form per person, thanks. Or for further info, or to discuss your needs, email or phone (08)9021 3788. Or drop into the Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre at 2 Burt St, Boulder. WA