Goldfields Aboriginal Languages Archives
The Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre has developed an archives for endangered literature related to the Aboriginal languages of the Goldfields region. This material is held in filing cabinets at the GALC office and is also uploaded to a digital archives.
GALC is working to provide the public with access to the digital archives. In the near future, members of the public will be able to look through the archives at a computer in the front office of the GALC office.
Material deposited can be used by GALC linguists in language studies or for other research related to the languages. Depositors are contacted in these instances.

Preserving Endangered Language Material
The archives preserve endangered language material such as old newspaper clippings, linguists papers, home made language books, school language resources and such material to ensure the material is not lost and is available for future language speakers and learners.
Depositing Material
Members of the public, linguists and other researchers are invited to deposit a copy of any language material or resources into the archives. A deposit form is completed and the depositor stipulates if the material is private or for public viewing, whether it can be reproduced or used in GALC’s language research. The original copyright of the material is respected and retained.
Material that is more than a few items is marked as a collection with the depositor’s name. For example, linguists Dawn and Brian Hadfield’s deposit of material is the ‘Hadfield Collection’.
Anyone with material on Goldfields Aboriginal languages or material related to Aboriginal culture of the Goldfields is encouraged to give GALC an email or phone call to discuss depositing material. Call on (08) 9021 3788 or email