WA Aboriginal Languages Legislation Alliance

E-Petition to WA Parliament for First Nations Languages Legislation – update Feb 2025

The WA Aboriginal Languages Legislation Campaign recently advanced its call for recognition and protection of Aboriginal languages through an e-petition tabled to the State’s Legislative Council. Sponsored by the Hon. Kyle McGinn MLC, Member for Mining and Pastoral Region, the petition highlighted the urgent need for formal recognition and protection of Aboriginal languages as the First Languages of Western Australia.

E-petition to WA Parliament

The Hon. Kyle McGinn MLC has been an unwavering supporter of the campaign since its inception, championing the importance of language as central to cultural identity, storytelling, and truth-telling. His sponsorship of the petition not only demonstrated strong Parliamentary advocacy but also provided a critical platform to amplify the voices of Aboriginal communities across the State. Many thanks is given to the Hon. Kyle McGinn MLC.

The petition gained 444 signatures. Thanks is extended to everyone who signed and shared the petition. In only 4 weeks of the campaign, that was a fantastic result.

Campaign organisers sent a letter to each Member of the Legislative Council requesting their support for the petition when it was tabled, and provided briefing notes. The request sparked widespread conversations within Government circles. This strategic approach led to notable engagement, with one Member formally tabling the issue for discussion with the Hon. Tony Buti MLA, Minister for Education; Aboriginal Affairs; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests. Four other MLCs offered their support for the legislation and requested campaign organisers contact again after the State elections in 2025.

This momentum reflects growing political awareness and support, reinforcing the concept that recognition and protection of Aboriginal languages is not just a cultural imperative, but a vital component of WA’s legislative and policy future.

Although the petition was successfully tabled with 444 signatures, its consideration was put aside due to the upcoming State election. This is a bitterly disappointing result. However, the WAALLA campaign will create a new petition late in 2025 and table it again in the Legislative Council.

The legislative campaign continues to gain traction, with a Member of the Legislative Council expressing interest in sponsoring a new petition in 2025. WAALLA organisers will mobilise campaign allies to raise public awareness of the petition again in 2025, and the critical need for the recognition and protection of Aboriginal languages, ensuring the issue remains firmly on the political agenda.

Letter from Minister Dawson

E-petition letter from WA Parliament