Linguistic Interns at GALCAC

GALCAC runs a linguistic internship program and hosts visits by final year linguistic students and early career linguists. We’ve had two fantastic young linguists in residence the last few weeks!

Joshua Pereira interned for 5 weeks and has undertake a short research on the way English words are borrowed into the Wangkatja language, under the guidance of GALCAC linguist, Gizem. 

Joshua van de Ven has recently completed his honours year and has done a small research at GALCAC on switch referencing in Ngadju language, under the guidance of GALCAC linguist, Troy.

Both interns have been a pleasure to have on board and, like every intern who visits, we will miss them badly when they go. Young, inspiring talented linguists bring fresh ideas that help us a lot.

At the end of their internship, the interns present their research findings to the GALCAC team. Joshua Pereira also presented a talk about tense and aspect in Russian language. It was great for the GALCAC team to learn something new!

Well done to Jackie Coffin too who runs the GALCAC internship program! Providing opportunity for new linguists to experience real, on-the-ground field work and write their first academic paper helps foster that talent.

Thanks so much, Josh and Joshua, for being part of the team for a few weeks!!

Watch out for the release of the two intern’s research papers in the next few weeks.

Joshua Pereira delivering a talk about aspect and tense in Russian