Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre

2024 Goldfields Aboriginal Language Awards

2024 Goldfields Aboriginal Language Awards

It’s time to nominate for the 2024 ‘Goldfields Aboriginal Language Awards’. Who will you nominate? Download the nominate form and send to GALCAC.

Get a nomination in and get the language champions recognised!
The ‘Goldfields Aboriginal Language Awards’ is an annual event hosted each year by the Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre, to provide recognition for people who use First Nation’s languages, keep them alive, pass them on or for companies that support language use, revival and interpreting.
This event is open to the public to attend and celebrate the nominees for 2024. Who will win? Come along and find out and stay for morning tea to chat and share in the excitement.
Nominations are free and only one page. Nomination forms can be found here or email for one to be sent to you.
So come on, get a nomination in for Aunty, Grandpa or Nana, or maybe that teacher who supports language in the school. Perhaps you have a work mate who has made sure there is language in the workplace. Nominate them!

Then come to the Awards event to see who wins, enjoy a morning tea and a chat.

For further info head into the Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre at Boulder Railway Station Building, Hamilton St, Boulder, or phone on (08)9021 3788 or email