Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre

Phoneticisation in Cundeelee Wangka

Phoneticisation in Cundeelee Wangka

Linguistic Intern, Nell Higgins, presenting research findings to GALCAC’s academic team

GALCAC has released a short paper by 2023 linguistic intern, Nell Higgins, on the way English borrowed words are used in the Cundeelee Wangka language. ‘Phoneticisation in Cundeelee Wangka’. The paper’s appendix is here.

This short study provides information about how borrowed words become part of a language. It focusses on the sounds and the way English sounds are change, or phono tactically filtered, into Cundeelee Wangka language by speakers. This information assists us to understand how future words will be borrowed and the sounds adapted.

This study was by one of GALCAC’s 2023 linguistic interns, Nell Higgins. The paper is Nell’s first academic paper as an early career linguist. Congratulations, Nell, on completing the small study and writing your first academic paper! We are honoured to support such a promising early career linguist.

For a list of GALCAC research papers, head to the Research section of this website.

GALCAC’s linguistic internship program provides opportunities for final year linguistic students and early career linguists, to work at a language centre for a few weeks. Linguistic interns undertake a short study, guided and supervised by career linguists. 

For further information on the GALCAC internship program, head into the Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre on Burt St, Boulder, or phone on (08)9021 3788 or email