Ngayuku Voting Tjuma : My Voting Story

The Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre is very pleased to release 6 new films, ‘Ngayuku Voting Tjuma : My Voting Story’ created with 6 communities in the Goldfields region of Western Australia, for NAIDOC 2023.
These 6 films are the first in a series featuring First Nations language speakers of the Goldfields. The series provides Elders with a Voice to talk directly about the democratic process of voting, the Referendum and their feelings about the process.
Each film is in Ngaanyatjarra or Pitjantjatarra language to ensure that the Elders have a voice with no re-interpretation. A second series of the films with English subtitles will be released in due course.
This series of films celebrates ‘For Our Elders’ in the best way possible, by providing Elders with their own voice.
Thank you to all the Elders and young people who appear in the films. You are champions not just for your language but for encouraging young people to join in the democratic process available in Australia by enrolling to vote.
Watch out for the next 3 films in this series from Wanarn, Cosmo Newberry and Patjarra appearing very soon.
Thank you very much to the Australian Electoral Commission for the support to produce these important films.
Click on the links below to view the films in GALCAC’s YouTube channel, Wangka.

For further info head into the Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre on Burt St, Boulder, or phone on (08)9021 3788 or email