Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre

A Wild Day in Karlkurla: 6 Course Bush Tucker Degustation Luncheon!

A Wild Day in Karlkurla: 6 Course Bush Tucker Degustation Luncheon!

It’s on again! The fabulous, ‘Wild Day in Karlkurla: 6 course bush tucker degustation luncheon’ will be held Friday 6th July 11am-2pm.
This unique luncheon is chef prepared and will feature a different bush tucker each course. Wines and beers are paired with each course and soft drinks also available. The venue is the historic Hannan’s Club.
The luncheon in 2022 was a fabulous event with beautiful food and company.
Each guest attending receives a complimentary bush tucker tasting basket.
There are 50 seats available, so get in quick with your booking. $250 inc GST per person.

To book a ticket, or for further info, head into the Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre on Burt St, Boulder, or phone on (08)9021 3788 or email