Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre

My First Alphabet Book Series Launch

My First Alphabet Book Series Launch

GALCAC held a book launch for the fabulous new ‘My First Alphabet’ series of books we produced, on Sunday 12 March 2023. What a lovely event it was!
Thank you everyone who came to celebrate this new series of books. There was a lot of work involved in making them, so it was tremendous to share and celebrate the achievement.
A big thanks to Artgold inc. for the lovely venue and set up. An even bigger thank you to Bobby-Lee for the lovely afternoon tea and very kind support for the launch! You’re a treasure.
These books are for use by children, families, schools, anyone interested in a language. There are 15 languages. Very soon audios of the words in the books will be available on GALCAC’s website under ‘Resources’.
The books are now available at GALCAC and on our online shop. $10 a book or $135 for the whole series of 15. Contact GALCAC on (08)9021 3788 or

For further info head into the Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre on Burt St, Boulder, or phone on (08)9021 3788 or email