Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre

Education Kits revamped

Education Kits revamped

The Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre’s free educational loan kits are being revamped this week. 

Deb Francis, an early childhood teacher, is revising the kits and adding games, activities and many more backline masters. Deb is also working on 5 new kits – frogs, fire, boomerangs, shields and lizards.

These fabulous kits are available on loan to teachers, child care centres, family day carers, youth groups, after school care- in fact any children’s service or group in Kalgoorlie and surrounds. A $50 cash deposit is refunded on return of the kit.

Check out the education kits page on this website that tells you more about the content of the kits.

To book a kit, fill in the education kits booking form and send to or pop into the Language Centre to have a look through the kits.

Thanks Deb for spending a week helping the Language Centre out with these kits! We love having a very experienced teacher lend their knowledge.

Further info head into the Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre on Burt St, Boulder, or phone on (08)9021 3788 or email