Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre

Language Rejuvenation Paper Released

Language Rejuvenation Paper Released

GALCAC is pleased to release a paper examining the universal morphology (word making) processes used by Goldfields Aboriginal languages. This paper will help languages that need to be rejuvenated because of language loss.

A copy of the paper is available here.

This paper is based on research undertaken by GALCAC Senior linguist and CEO,  Sue Hanson. All GALCAC linguists as well as Dawn Hadfield and Tjupan speaker, Edie Ulrich, had input into the paper as well.

Productive Morphological Processes for Language Rejuvenation of Goldfields Aboriginal Languages 2022 can be found here as a free download.

Further info contact Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre on Burt St, Boulder, or phone on (08)9021 3788 or email