Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre

Lexicography Workshop May 2018

Lexicography Workshop May 2018

Calling all dictionary makers!!!

GALC is very pleased to announce the hosting of an intensive 5-day lexicography workshop for linguists and people involved in dictionary making.

This workshop will be held at the Goldfields Arts Centre, Kalgoorlie from 7th to 11th May 2018.

The workshop will be run by international lexicographers Michael Rundell (MacMillan Dictionary Editor) , Vojtěch Kovář and Milo Jakubíček of Lexicom

This intensive lexicography and lexical computing workshop combines practical work and theoretical perspectives on the making of corpus-based dictionaries and training in the software to supports management of corpus data. The workshop topics include lexicography, preparation of material for online dictionaries, the matters around online dictionaries, conversion of Toolbox data into Lexonomy and corpus searching using Sketch Engine software. Bring your own corpus to use in the workshop, if you wish.

Linguist, Marion Mullin, working on the Ngadju Dictionary 2018.

Cost of the workshop including all materials, a 3 year software licence and lunches is $990 per person. 20 places available.

For further information and to book a place, called GALC on (08)9021 3788 or email

Download the course registration form, complete and email to GALC to reserve your place

Download a Lexicography Workshop flyer here to display at your workplace or organisation.