Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre

New GALC Staff

New GALC Staff

L-R Zoe Thomas, Peta Simpson and Pam Thorley at work in GALC

GALC has had some staff change overs in the last month. Education Officer Zoe Thomas left for maternity leave and Office Manager Pam Thorley moved to Perth to be closer to family. Peta Simpson’s contract came to an end. We’ll miss all these very valued staff members!

Carmel in the front office of GALC

GALC welcomes Carmel Smiler from the Kimberley into the position of Receptionist. We’re very fortunate to have Carmel at the language centre as she comes with a wealth of knowledge about Aboriginal languages and translating work.

Marion Mullin at work on detailed Ngaju language analysis

GALC also welcomed Dr. Marion Mullin a couple of months back into the role of Linguist. Marion is working on the Ngaju language this year. She’s doing a very detailed morphological analysis of the language cross referencing language on old documents with Ngaju spoken by people today. The aim is to have a first version of a GALC Ngaju dictionary ready for December 2017 launch. Watch this space!